Here's a low down on what I got:
(I had no ECB to start with but did have a $5/$25)
1 colgate sensative toothpaste $3.99 - FREE Q
1 LA Looks w/free trial attached $2.99
1 Listerine pocket pack $2.99
2 M&M king sizes $1.59 each
5 Reeses .79 each
1 earbud set $6.99
1 Gillette Deo $4.00 - $2 Q
2 x Herbal Essence $3.99 each - 2 x $1/1 Q's
1 Biolux Shampoo $1.99 - FREE Q
used $5/$25 CVS Q
Paid $26.11 O.O.P.
got back ECB for everything except biolux
Transaction #2
1 Colgate Sensative Toothpaste $3.99 - $1/1 Q
1 Listerine PocketPack $2.99
3 x M&M King sizes $1.59 each
1 Carmex lip balm .99
2 x herbal essence conditioners $3.99 each - $1/1 Q
2 earbud sets (got 3 kids you know)
1 Gillette deo $4.00 - $2/1 Q
2 Sierra Mist $1.99 BOGO - BOGO Q
ECB's ($7.98, $6.99, $4, $3.95, $3.99, $3.18, $2.99, $2.99)
Got back ECB for Listerine, Colgate, M&M's, Carmex, and Gillette
Transaction #3
Renuplus Shampoo $4.99
Renuplus Conditioner $4.99
Eucerine lotion $6.99
Used ECB's ($4.77, $3.99. $4, $2.99, .99)
got back $9.98 and $6.99 ECB
shampoo/conditioner both had Try Me Free tags so I will send in for rebates! :)
**SHUCKS I forgot to use my $4 ECB when you spend $20 coupon
I am sure I could have had less O.O.P. to start with but I was in a hurry.
Sometimes I just go with the flow.