Milk, Charmin 32-pk, 10 x Sobe, 5 powerades, 1 8-pk powerade, 5 pks Caprisun, 4 pks ChipsAhoy, Pillsbury Fudge brownies, 2 x GG corn, 2 Old El Paso season mixes, 1 Old ElPaso hard shell, 1 Old ElPaso soft shell, 2 x Kroger single serve fish stix, 1 Digiorno Pizza, 1 BC mini delights, 5 x NV granola bars, 2 x BC potatoes, 2 x Qkr granola bars, 2 x BC supreme brownie mixes, 2 x BC cookie mixes, 1 Wonka bar, 2 cases of Aquafina, 2 broccoli, 1 cauliflower, 1 case of clementine, 4 peaches, 2 Kleenex handtowels, 2 soft soaps, 6 movie theater boxed canies, 1 bunch bananas, 1 pk pretzels, 1 pk Kraft string cheese, 1 pk Kraft shredded cheese, 1 NV nut clusters, 1 heft lunch bags, 9 pks peanuts, 1 Dole bagged salad, and 2 BC fruit snacks.
Total spent $84.04
Savings $125.75 + more considering it's football time and we now have drinks and snacks to save us trips to the concession stand. :)