Friday, August 13, 2010

Krogers trip

Milk, Charmin 32-pk, 10 x Sobe, 5 powerades, 1 8-pk powerade, 5 pks Caprisun, 4 pks ChipsAhoy, Pillsbury Fudge brownies, 2 x GG corn, 2 Old El Paso season mixes, 1 Old ElPaso hard shell, 1 Old ElPaso soft shell, 2 x Kroger single serve fish stix, 1 Digiorno Pizza, 1 BC mini delights, 5 x NV granola bars, 2 x BC potatoes, 2 x Qkr granola bars, 2 x BC supreme brownie mixes, 2 x BC cookie mixes, 1 Wonka bar, 2 cases of Aquafina, 2 broccoli, 1 cauliflower, 1 case of clementine, 4 peaches, 2 Kleenex handtowels, 2 soft soaps, 6 movie theater boxed canies, 1 bunch bananas, 1 pk pretzels, 1 pk Kraft string cheese, 1 pk Kraft shredded cheese, 1 NV nut clusters, 1 heft lunch bags, 9 pks peanuts, 1 Dole bagged salad, and 2 BC fruit snacks.
Total spent $84.04
Savings $125.75 + more considering it's football time and we now have drinks and snacks to save us trips to the concession stand. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010


FREE spaghetti from Ronco go here to sign up and they will send you FREE spaghetti. Offer good for residents of AL, AR, IN, KY, MS, and TN.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

FREE money $$

Want to earn FREE gift cards or FREE money? It's easy! Click this link to become a member of swag bucks and start earning points/bucks to cash in today. And as a matter of fact, following my link will give you 30 bucks to start out with so what are you waiting for? It's easy! I just cashed out for $25 Amazon Gift Cards at the end of July and I have already cash out for $10 more this week. WooHoo! If I can do it so can you!

DiGiorno - FREE

Follow this link to the Facebook website and like the product. You will then be allowed to print a $2/1 coupon. Target has these $2/$4 this week = FREE pizza.